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are a young unofficial team designed to inspire the younger generation. It’s something that he is passionate about, and the people who join that team are passionate about it, as well, and see that there's a value in standing up and representing this younger Meta generation that's frightened and persecuted, and sometimes insulted and sometimes worse. This notion that all of us feel different in some way or other, and instead of letting that separate us we should let it bring us together. What he is stating in #WeAreAllOutsiders is something that he means down to his core.

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On the one hand, he is doing a PR campaign, but it's very sincere, and I think that's important. He just stepped forward, and in his sort of role as this celebrity and media savvy individual, it just became clear that this was a natural route for him to take. The interesting thing is that Beast Boy wasn't a character that we thought we would be focusing on. On another level, on sort of a more in-universe level, we just felt that it was real and right.

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