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Investigators say evidence suggests they consumed alcohol and methamphetamine.Īt some in the evening, Geiger offered Caliyah’s mother, Chelsea Guyton $5,000 to “spend 24 hours with him.” Later that night, while Caliyah went to sleep with her grandfather in the family’s room, her parents went to one of Geiger’s rooms with him to “hang out together.” Officials say Geiger arrived at the hotel Wednesday, April 27 to work at the hotel and the company provided him two rooms to utilize.Īuthorities also say Geiger made contact with the girl and her family at the pool sometime on April 27, and “offered chips or candy.” Prosecutors say those shorts contained room keys for two rooms occupied by 51-year-old Michael S. Image Courtesy: Chelsea GuytonĪccording to detectives, Guyton was found with orange shorts around her neck and had injuries consistent with a sexual assault. The Oklahoma Medical Examiner’s Office confirmed she had been raped. She was taken to Integris Bass Baptist Hospital where she was pronounced dead. Enid police investigating death of child at hotel

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